Friday 26 December 2014

|Gifts from the Grok| ~FEARS & WORRIES~


Today's offering, bestowed upon us from |The Grok|

Fears and worries come in all shapes and sizes.  We are all familiar with them, in all their disguises.
It's not essential I pinpoint a 'specific' fear or worry, because, in essence, they're all coming from the same culprit; identifying with mindbabble.


When ye whittle it down, there are really only two types of fear. 

There's the fear experienced when there truly is a threat, which is a healthy survival skill we have to ensure we respond accordingly to get to safety.  This is often instinctive, and doesn't have too much thought related to it.  It is functional, and prepares us to either fight, flight, or freeze in the threatening situation.

And then there is the other type of fear, which is really a type of worry in itself.  It's the giving of our attention to the mindbabble of possible threats.  Potential downfalls.  Potential ruin.
And these second fears/worries come in a colourful array of thoughts and feelings. 
We may recognise a few;

  • What if I can't get a new job?...I'll never find one now...I'm too underqualified....etc
  • What if he leaves me?  Does he prefer her?  Will I ever find a mate who loves me?...etc
  • What if I'm late for this interview?.....
  • What if I don't appear attractive?....
  • What if I get stuck in...?....
  • What if......?....
  • What if......?....
It's an onslaught of potential disastrous ideas and negative reflections.
Often relating to past or future.  Completely separate to the moment.
They're ideas.
Simple as that.

YET, we manage to tie ourselves up in knots of anxiety by feeding these thoughts with our attention, our additional thoughts, and negative feelings.  And so, often they escalate.
And ALL THE WHILE they are assisting the situation in NO WAY AT ALL>

It's good to just watch this silliness within our own experience; see these ideas, these frets and fanciful and ludicrous ideas we're often 'buying into' without really challenging these ideas. 
It's like letting unwelcome guests into your house, without a blink of the eye!

And they create havoc and ill-feelings.
Most often, these ideas of doom & gloom are incorrect and don't even materialise.
Yet we use a huge amount of energy and attention within these daydreams {or rather; day-nightmares!} conjuring up more imaginings and more anxieties along the way.

What a waste of our precious time!

Let's look at an example of fear/worry;
"What if I don't ever find a job I truly love?"
It's certainly possible you won't.  Let's be frank.
Yet, it's also possible you will.
The future is not known, nor set in stone.
So we have a choice. 
To dwell on this possibility of doom & gloom, perpetuating the unhappiness & worse-case-scenarios
OR we opt to let this thought come, and let it go.
See, mindbabble is part of the ego's tricks of the trade, to keep us trading; to keep us giving our currency of attention to the mind's thoughts, so our ego {false idea of the self} can be kept buffered & in tact.
This mindbabble is very alluring, as it pulls on fears and our sense of {false} identity; as a person who needs to be something and keep up with it's ideas of right/wrong etc.
So, in a true sense; mindbabble is unhelpful & false.  Yet, it also doesn't tend to cease.  And it can't really do any harm {without our attention, that is!}
It's like a sky of clouds.  The clouds simply pass.
Ego, however, thrives on our attention being given to mindbabble; on our buying into it's ideas by feeding them with emotions etc.
Like I say, it won't really ever cease.  A few yogis may discover long lapses of no-thought, but generally speaking; mind's think, and ego's fuel this uimpractical thinking.
It's human nature.
So, what to do?  Fight these thoughts?  Berate ourselves for having them?  Force ourselves to run away from them, through drugs?  Get depressed?  Believe them?.....NO.  None of these.
We simply remain as we are and OBSERVE them.  Perhaps it's better to word it as;
They can do no harm unless we begin to entertain them, and be entertained by them.
So, sticking with the example I previously gave
"What if I don't ever find a job I truly love?"
-we can allow this thought.  And it will pass.
Mindbabble is changeful and transient.  Thoughts therefore are not often reliable or essential for our existence.  Something is able to watch them.  Notice this.
So, we've let this thought come and go.
Some may argue 'But how does that get me a job?'
And I reply 'How does fretting and worrying and allowing fears to take up our attention & energy & stress us out help us get a job we love?'
You catch my drift.
Thoughts of worry/fear, if bought by our attention, are wearing and draining.  They do no help, and generally make us tight, tired and cranky.  They take us into an unhealthy type of fight/flight/freeze, and make us feel stressed and confused.
Being in this state is not conducive to being inspired in our actions or productivity or pro-activity.
So, letting these thoughts pass is a tonic, a healthy step to being more present, in a clearer, more energised, calmer state, to enable us to take healthy actions, feel inspired hunches, towards getting a job we truly love.
And, unlike the ego & it's mindbabble, this takes an element of Trust in Life.
For, the ego, our small idea of who we are, is very mistrusting in nature.  It wants to control, and has the idea it must do things to get happy, and it's full of a lot of nonsense!
Whilst, if we begin to discover a space between the thoughts and the one who is able to watch/allow/observe these thoughts, we begin to find a larger viewpoint on things; a healthier perspective.  Our thoughts and ideas are seen to not be us.  They are viewed by us.
And this comes through TRUSTING Life, and letting oneself be guided not by fears & imagined doom, but by our intuition and gentle trusting steps.  Trusting that AS WE ARE LIFE ITSELF, we will clearly be supported & safe.
I bid you love and trust and freedom, taking gentle steps to letting mindbabble do it's babble, whilst you keep your attention on your inner guidance & trust in the moment.
TRUST, and see what unfolds.  You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Wednesday 14 May 2014



Today's offering, bestowed upon us from |The Grok|

When experiencing burnout, it can bring much fear and loneliness to one's Mindbabble.
This is understandable, because burnout/fatigue/stress feel very overwhelming, and, as their symptoms aren't always visible it can often feel like others do not fully understand what you're experiencing, and how scary it feels.
The truth is; they perhaps don't fully understand.  And to put your energy into trying to make them understand, is adding fuel to the fire of fatigue.  Drop it.  In all areas of life, you will always encounter moments when others do not understand.  It's inevitable.  And is not something to try and control.  Accept this as 'how Life is', and take the burden off yourself to ensure they know your situation.

What really matters, when suffering fatigue/burnout/stress, is to focus on your own inner peace and understanding your energy levels, with due respect to their requiring some nurturing.
It's very easy to be frightened, and that's okay, but try and ebb towards a more powerful position within yourself, and see this situation as 'how Life is' at present, and as a signal from Life that perhaps there are some areas of your energy usage that need a little adapting.

Often fatigue/burnout/stress comes slowly, over months/years of ongoing energy suffering.  It can be brought on by a multitude of circumstances, and our reactions to those circumstances.
It is nothing to be afraid of (to feed it with fear is not helping anyone), and it can improve. 

Chronic stress is often the culprit.  Life-changes, depression, unhappiness and unresolved issues, sleep-problems....etc....these all interlink with fatigue/burnout/stress, and often it's hard to distinguish what issue came first.
Fact is; don't try too hard to figure it out.  Just start where you are, and take some gentle steps toward rejuvenating your body/mind.

I list several tips for you to try.  May they bring you ease and comfort, and enthuse you into regaining your energy levels and enjoyment of this magic realm called Life
All material listed is to be used using your own discretion, and comes solely from the |Grok| within, who has seen this Blog-writer go through first-hand experience of these topics;

1. REST; Often when we feel languid, and lethargic from fatigue/burnout/stress, we (quite understandably) stop doing much.  We require rest.  And this is the number one thing the body/mind is calling out for.
Often we can take physical rest quite easily, and it is usually the Mind that is restless.  Both body and mind will most definitely need some t.l.c. in this situation.
The physical rest can be dealt with by taking naps, ensuring bedroom is comfortable/quiet/dark place to take rest in, enjoyable book-reading before sleep can aid one to settle down easier, early nights, ensuring a good length of sleep is available.
If sleep issues are involved in your symptoms, I recommend HOPS LAVENDAR PILLOWS, to rest by your head.  Inhaling Hops (and Lavendar)helps induce sleep naturally.  Hops is a herb found in the making-process of beer, so we can understand it's natural ability to relax and calm.
Or use relaxing essential oils, a few drops on your pillow, to soothe you into a good night's rest.

Often, sleep issues relate to tension and Mindbabble.  Stress.  The Ego's banter.  
I really recommend some relaxation techniques, guided meditations, breathing awareness exercises, yoga, massage/self-massage, meditation...or some satisfying sex, before sleep commences.  
Anxiety calmed, truly does enable one to slip into sleep easier, to stay in it longer, and wake more refreshed.

Try to not use the computer, or watch highly stressful/stimulating movies/television, before bed (or anytime, if possible).
Keeping a window slightly ajar, mostly recommended for those who live near less-polluted areas, is really beneficial.  It allows fresh oxygen to circulate around the room, refreshing you as you snore the night away!

2. BE FRUGAL; Sometimes we think we can't take enough rest.  We have so much to DO!!!  
Often is the case, if we really look at our day, moment to moment, we don't actually have to do all the things our Mindbabble has allocated us to do.
For instance, perhaps your work lunch-break could include a nap or a quiet read, BUT you choose to fill the entire break with gossip with co-employees, running unnecessary errands and thinking too much about what the mornings been like, or what the afternoon may be like.
We can really make gradual shifts and alterations to our lifestyles, and bring in less hectic activity, and more space around our activities, to rest, refuel and enjoy.
Look out for moments when you may be taking on too much, when you're perhaps saying 'yes' to too many things that you don't feel enthused by.  Your enthusiasm is a great monitor, to let you know what to accept with a 'yes' and what to politely turn down with a 'no'.
People who suffer from fatigue/burnout/stress are commonly known to try and please and say 'yes' to all.
Once you begin to discern where you wish to use your energy, and how to whittle down your busy day to a less frantic-paced day, then life becomes less pressured, tasks are accomplished with more ease, effortlessly at times, and more energy is reserved AND generated, because when Life is enjoyed more, and we honour our energy levels, we feel more joy and JOY BREEDS ENERGY.
Spend your energy wisely. 
And if you have to do a few things that feel crappy, or you find it hard to say 'no' sometimes, BE KIND to yourself about it.  These are new skills, and often not so easy to apply when we've spent many years living in a society that is focused so highly on DOING.

3. WATER AND DIET AND EXERCISE; I would truly recommend seeing a Naturopath.  But, if one wishes not too, I will give you some advise from my own training in this wonderful approach to health.
Drink plenty of clean, pure, filtered water.  2 litres a day I recommend.
Eat a balanced diet, rich in organic green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, healthy proteins, take supplements (be advised by a professional regarding these) and make room for exercise.
Exercise is often the last thing one feels like doing when feeling fatigue/burnout/stress, BUT it is (like feel joy, or relaxation) something that GENERATES energy, if not overdone.
It releases endorphins, happy hormones, and refreshes the body, moves the toxins along (to be eliminated) and generally gets everything moving, and flowing well.  It supports the lymph system, helping your body to move the toxins out of your body, therefore keeping you fresher, healthier, and less prone to illness.
It's a tonic for the mind too.  And lubricates the joints.  30 minutes a day, especially walking in nature, or yoga, is a treat.  It can charge up your day, or re-ignite your flagging afternoon energies, amazingly.  Give it a try.
Also, you'll begin to see physical improvements, your skin'll be more refreshed, and you'll feel more strength, flexibility, less tension, and confidence in your abilities to look after your lovely Life vehicle; your body/mind.

4. CUT OUT THE STRESSORS; Obviously our reaction to Life events creates stress, and we do much more say in how we react to things than we often give ourselves credit for.
However, if there is a draining occurrence in your life (an ex-partner who keeps sending you mixed messages, a friend who constantly criticises you, an activity that feels uninspiring and doesn't uplift....etc); let these go.
You don't have to make a big banner and announce it to the world.  You may even not need to announce it to them.  But, just have a secret promise to your Divine self that you are willing to let go of things that are taking too much energy up, and are causing more mischief than is worth it.
Your energy is precious.  Respect it.  Even if they don't.
If fully cutting things off from someone/something is not an option at present, reduce your association with them.
Give your energy to areas of your Life that uplift.  That bring joy.  That flow.  That create inner joy, and peace. Okay, problems may still linger, but ATTENDING TO WHAT YOU 'CAN' do, and to what inspires and uplifts you, can recharge your batteries no end.
Take it at a steady pace.  Letting go of what no longer serves you, and filling those spaces with a mix of rest and uplifting activities.
Sometimes your Mind may Mindbabble that you need that draining person, or that you need to attend to a crappy situation, but sometimes you may just be able to scoff at your Mind and trust that all is well, you are doing your best, and that is good enough.  
As you let the draining/depleting people and events fall away, and gorgeous things come into your Life experiences, you will see the shift of power you have, and how futile it is to give energy to what you cannot change, or to those people and things that don't improve your wellbeing.
Honour Thyself.  And others will too.

.................MORE TIPS TO COME.......................LET ME KNOW HOW YOU GET ON...............

|Gifts from the Grok|~FOREWARD

I write these |Gifts from the Grok| to bring intuitive empathy & understanding, perhaps some wisdom & sought after honest advise, to some of Life's universal predicaments.  

I disclaim knowing the 'right' advice for each and every folk, and trust these posts to fall upon the right eyes, at the right time, to be of use to for the joy, peace, liberty and uplift of all.

I always urge you to look within for your own inner guidance.  We all have a
|Grok| within us, ready to bestow gifts of understanding and intuitive assistance upon us, if we only take a moment to tune in.
But, it is not often easy to 'tune in', especially when in the midst of a predicament.  And the |Grok| can sometimes be quiet and subtle in its speech, often unheard/ignored under the cacophony of
Mindbabble us humans are ever so distracted by.

So, at those times, when Mindbabble may be at it's most intense, and y'could do with a little understanding and advice about a predicament you're encountering, that's where these |Gifts from the Grok| posts come in.

See them as little reminders, to reorientate you back to your own inner |Grok|.
I make these offerings with love, urging you to let whatever rings true be used for the best will and good of all.  

Love and light,
Hazel Lightfoot, and |The Grok|
|Gifts from the Grok|